Perioral dermatitis is a facial skin condition, most usually affecting skin near the mouth (perioral skin), but sometimes it also occurs around the nostrils or around the eyes (periorificial dermatitis). In this condition, multiple small red bumps occur around the mouth, usually on the sides of chin, and afterwards spreading to cheeks and upper lips. Skin on the borders of the lips usually isn’t afflicted with these bumps, but most often it turns pale.
When skin is affected with perioral dermatitis, it often gets flaky and dry, and is usually accompanied by the stinging or burning sensations. Perioral dermatitis is most usually found in adult women, but it is also not uncommon in male and elderly population or in children. It seldom happens in healthy prepubertal children. If you suspect to have this condition, our excellent medical staff will gladly help you in establishing a proper diagnosis and provide you with individualized and effective perioral dermatitis treatment.

The definite cause of perioral dermatitis has not yet been determined, but it is sometimes considered to be a type of rosacea and thus believed to be hereditary. Also, research has shown that people who get affected with perioral dermatitis often have oily skin. Furthermore it is concluded that perioral dermatitis can occur after the treatment of the skin with topical steroid creams.
Some other factors may also cause perioral dermatitis to activate, such as:
- Non adequate face hygiene, avoiding to wash the face
- Chewing a gum
- Fluoride toothpaste allergies
- Lip licking or lip chewing
- Certain medications
- Certain cosmetics containing isopropyl myristat, paraffin or petrolatum
- Hormone imbalance
- Autoimmune diseases
There are several methods for effective perioral dermatitis treatment, and luckily, this skin condition can be resolved within few months. The first step is often considered zero therapy, completely stopping the use of face creams including topical corticosteroids, as well as minimizing the use of all other face creams in this area of the skin. As a rash can also appear, while it is present the affected area should be washed with warm water only. If the perioral dermatitis is persistent, some other treatments may be required, and it will probably take a few weeks before their results can be seen.
Topical skin medicines are often used. Topical erythromycin is used in mild cases, and some other topical choices include metronidazole, clindamycin, benzoyl peroxide, sodium sulfacetamide with sulfur etc. If perioral dermatitis is more severe, the use of oral antibiotics might be necessary, sometimes even for a period which can last up to 3 months. The medications of choice are most often doxycycline, erythromycin, or tetracycline. Although it responds well to the treatment, perioral dermatitis has a tendency to return, and then it has to be treated again.
If you choose our clinic, our professional and caring staff will develop a personalized medical treatment and help you resolve this condition.
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